Kolie Shaw

Kolie Shaw (xe.xem) is a director, deviser, and performance artist in the Twin Cities who is passionate about new theater works, avant-garde performance art, and theater education. Kolie graduated from North Dakota State University with xyr BFA in performance and an emphasis in directing, and currently works at Northern Starz Center for the Performing Arts as their Production Manager. Kolie’s most significant projects include imagine a u.s without racism at Mixed Blood Theatre, The Laramie Project at Northern Starz, Peer Gynt at The Cowles Center, What Takes Who at Minnesota Fringe 2021 with Sugar Throw Theatre, and Far Away with Jackdonkey Productions. Kolie has been awarded the Achievement in Directing from The Kennedy Center and is ecstatic to continue zyr education this summer with Pig Iron Theatre Company in Philadelphia, PA. Kolie hopes you enjoy the show and notices the next time you find a bit of trickery in yourself!

nimbus credits

The Brontide